
by McAuley Schenker Group

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 10:29 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


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Song Author

Steve Mann / Robin McAuley

Tabbed by

All Instruments Transcribed By: Ashley Dalby


1st → Vocals: Robin
2nd → Guitar: Michael
3rd → Vocals: Back
4th → Guitar: Steve
5th → Guitar: Michael
6th → Drums: Bodo
7th → Bass: Rocky
8th → Synth: Steve

File Size

85 KB




Blow a kiss from yer hand _ _ I'll catch it 'fore it hits the ground _ _ Cry a lit tle for our fears _ _ Ba by Ba by _ I'm so scared there's some thing wrong _ _ I hid you in the cor ner of my emp ty room, Ne ver real ly cared 'til now _ _ not stand in in the cor ner for me an y more You done yer time pass yer sen tence and I'll pass _ _ mine But when my time _ is thru oh can I still come home to _ you _ An y time _ An y time _ you want me An y time _ An y time _ yer lone ly You just have to call 'cos you know I'll be there oh _ _ _ An y time _ An y time _ you need me An y time _ An y time _ may be yer dream ing Wak ing up all a lone _ yer heart is scream ing _ _ Oh _ I know I caused you so much pain _ _ I pro mise that I'll ne ver hurt you a gain E ven tho the scars re main _ _ With a lit tle time I know we can win Cant stop this fire, lost con trol o ver my de sire _ Still it burns _ for you like it al ways used to _ do _ An y time _ An y time _ you want me An y time _ An y time _ yer lone ly You just have to call 'cos you know I'll be there oh _ _ _ An y time _ An y time _ you need me An y time _ An y time _ may be yer dream ing Wak ing up all a lone _ yer heart is scream ing _ _ Oh _ And af ter the war is o _ ver and all the fight ing's thru Can I make my peace _ with you? I wan na come home to _ you _ An y time _ An y time _ you want me An y time _ An y time _ yer lone ly You just have to call 'cos I'm al ways there yeah _ _ _ An y time _ An y time _ you need me An y time _ An y time _ may be yer dream ing Wak ing up all a lone _ yer heart is scream ing _ _ Oh _ An y time _ you want me Oh so lone _ _ ly so lone _ _ ly but you know I care Yeah _ _ Do you need me or are you dream ing Wak ing up all a lone _ yer heart is scream ing _ Yeah _


It is imperative to follow the 5.2 notices located throughout. The song is mostly complete with only a couple guitar lick naunces slightly off in the solo and the opening tempo needs slightly tweaked. The synth track doubles as a guitar during the solo. It is also imperative to keep the Master Reverb that you see to your right where it is, as this makes it sound best. This was checked for accuracy by playing along with the real track song!